
来源 :浙江经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sgrsrg
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青川的版图与中国地图出奇地相似,36个乡镇,颇有些行政区划的味道。一个有趣的现象是,在每一个援建指挥部的板房内,总能看见一幅幅显眼的青川地图,以供圈点。从全国各发达省对口援建灾区各个县市的灵感出发,浙江的援建任务最终归于浙江11个地级市及29个发达县。 Qingchuan's territory and the Chinese map is surprisingly similar, 36 townships, quite some administrative divisions taste. It is interesting to note that in each of the boarding aids for building the headquarters, a conspicuous map of Qingchuan can always be seen for the spot. Inspired by the assistance from all the developed provinces in the disaster-stricken counties and cities across the country, the aid and reconstruction mission in Zhejiang finally fell to 11 prefecture-level cities and 29 developed counties in Zhejiang.
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