作为2003年全球唯一获得“联合国人居奖”的城市,威海市把平安作为人居之首,坚持“社会化参与、科技化防范、市场化运作、规范化管理”,实现了社会治安综合治理工作的新突破,并于2005年5月荣膺“全国社会治安综合治理优秀地市”称号。社会化参与构筑铜墙铁壁。全面实行警民结合、警企结合、警行结合、警军结合、警警结合, 大打治安防范人民战争。到 2004年底,全市从事治安防范
As the only city in the world to receive the “UN Habitat Prize” in 2003, Weihai took Ping’an as the head of Habitat and adhered to the principle of “social participation, technological prevention, market-oriented operation and standardized management”, and realized the comprehensive management of public order New breakthrough, and in May 2005 won the “national social comprehensive management of excellent city” title. Social participation in building a steel wall. The full implementation of the combination of police and civilians, combining police and enterprises, combining police and police, combining the police and the police, combining police and public security, and popularizing the peace and order to prevent the people’s war. By the end of 2004, the city engaged in public security precautions