利用不同浓度蔗糖诱导马铃薯微型薯 ,所生成的微型薯的产量不同。α 淀粉酶是马铃薯微型薯生长发育有关的一项重要生理生化指标 ,与块茎形成过程中干物质的积累密切相关。本文对在不同浓度蔗糖下形成的微型薯的α 淀粉酶活性进行分析 ,其结果表明 ,α 淀粉酶的活性与微型薯产量呈显著负相关
Potato mini-tubers were induced using different concentrations of sucrose, and the yield of mini-tubers was different. α-amylase is an important physiological and biochemical index related to the growth and development of potato mini-tubers, which is closely related to the accumulation of dry matter during tuberization. In this paper, the α-amylase activity of microtuber formed under different sucrose concentrations was analyzed. The results showed that the activity of α-amylase was negatively correlated with the yield of microtuber