A Dynamic Flow-Regulation Algorithm for Networks Overload Control

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaqiushi9527118129
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In this paper,a dynamic flow-regulation algorithm-oriented network overload control is proposed.It can proportion-ally distribute the load between the high-degree nodes and the low-degree nodes.According to the theoretical analysis,the net-work transmission performance of the proposed algorithm is in inverse proportion to the usage rate of the high-degree nodes.Simulations show that the new algorithm is more flexible and can enhance the network capability in most circumstances compared with the shortest path routing algorithm.Moreover,the compari-son with the efficient routing algorism also reveals the prominent performance of the new algorithm. In this paper, a dynamic flow-regulation algorithm-oriented network overload control is proposed. At can proportion-ally distribute the load between the high-degree nodes and the low-degree nodes. According to the theoretical analysis, the net-work transmission performance of the proposed algorithm is in inverse proportion to the usage rate of the high-degree nodes.Simulations show that the new algorithm is more flexible and can enhance the network capability in most circumstances compared with the shortest path routing algorithm. Moreover, the compari -son with the efficient routing algorism also reveals the prominent performance of the new algorithm.
“丁零零—”上课了,我飞快地跑进教室,等待老师的到来。  老师拿着一个空矿泉水瓶走进教室,看着我们神秘地笑了笑,说:“今天老师给你们变一个魔术。”我们听了都很兴奋,你一言我一语,大声地议论起来。  老师让我们安静下来,魔术开始了。他從口袋里掏出一枚硬币,又让我们看了看拧着盖子的空矿泉水瓶。老师一只手拿着硬币,另一只手拿着矿泉水瓶,将手中的硬币用力往瓶子底部撞击,只听“咣当”一声,硬币跑到瓶子里去了
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