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应用抗细胞角蛋白单克隆抗体AE1/AE3,对食管癌、胃癌和大肠癌的原发组织反应进行了研究。结果表明,46例癌组织的反应率是93%,食管癌为100%,胃癌和大肠癌分别是94%和79%;反应强度和反应范围显示,食管癌较胃和大肠癌好。AE1/AE3符合做检测食管癌在非上皮组织(淋巴结、骨髓和外周血)中的微小转移的探针,不宜用来检测胃和大肠癌的微小转移,至少不能单独使用。同为胃和大肠来源的腺癌组织可出现阴性反应,说明组织来源完全相同的肿瘤可有不同的CK亚型。对抗某一个或几个CK亚型单克隆抗体阴性反应的肿瘤,不能完全除外为上皮来源。鉴别疑难肿瘤的组织来源时,必须应用多个抗CK的单克隆抗体,并且结合其他标记才更有临床意义。 The primary tissue response of esophageal cancer, gastric cancer and colorectal cancer was studied using anti-cytokeratin monoclonal antibody AE1/AE3. The results showed that the response rate was 93% in 46 cases of cancer, 100% in esophageal cancer, 94% in gastric cancer and 79% in colorectal cancer, and the response intensity and response range showed that esophageal cancer was better than stomach and colon cancer. AE1/AE3 is suitable for detecting micrometastasis in esophageal cancer in non-epithelial tissues (lymph nodes, bone marrow, and peripheral blood) and should not be used to detect micrometastases in gastric and colorectal cancer, at least not alone. A negative reaction may occur in both adenocarcinoma tissues of the stomach and large intestine, indicating that tumors of the same origin may have different CK subtypes. Tumors that are negatively reactive against one or more CK subtype monoclonal antibodies cannot be completely excluded from epithelial origin. When identifying tissue sources of difficult tumors, multiple monoclonal antibodies against CK must be used, and combining other markers is more clinically meaningful.
Harbin City is to start the construction of the aluminium-magnesium alloy base in Pingfang District this year. The project is expected to be Harbin City is to
茶叶所以受人欢迎 ,除了它是一种好饮料 ,还因为它对人体有一定保健和治疗的作用。现将有关日常生活饮茶主要作用一些词句 ,内容极为丰富 ,既广泛又深刻 ,摘录如下 :唐代刘贞
一、前 言 中国工夫茶流行于潮汕、台湾、闽南和武夷山等地区。其中以潮州工夫茶(也称潮汕工夫茶)最具特色,堪称中国茶道的“活化石”。据《清朝野史大观·清代述异·卷十二》载
本文介绍了组织内激光照射疗法治疗肝脏肿瘤的历史、特点、临床应用现状、仪器设备及国内外最新进展,并对其发展提出了自己的设想。 This article describes the history, ch
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侵袭和转移是恶性肿瘤的重要特征。Ⅳ型胶原酶在肿瘤组织中的过度表达和活性增高被认为与肿瘤侵袭和转移密切相关。 Invasion and metastasis are important features of ma