原色调:流在心里的血 60年前,一丈穿着草鞋、嚼着草根、咽着雪水的 队伍,打着印着镰刀斧头的鲜红大旗,经历了二万五 千里坎坷和艰辛,从瑞金到陕北,从南方到北方,不 仅仅创造了长征的奇迹,还诞生了使这支队伍立于 不败之地的思想灵魂和战斗作风,它凝炼成了81个 汉字半个多世纪而无法增减,这就是《三大纪律八项 注意》;它浓缩成钢铁般的三大条令,这就是中国人
The original color: the blood in my heart Sixty years ago, a husband wearing straw sandals, chewing grass roots, swallow snow team, the name of the bright red banner with a sickle ax experienced twenty thousand and five thousand ups and downs and hardships, From Ruijin to northern Shaanxi and from southern to northern China, it not only created the miracle of the Long March, but also created the ideological soul and combat style of making the team an invincible place. It has condensed into more than half of 81 Chinese characters Century can not increase or decrease, this is the “three disciplines of eight attention”; it condensed into three iron-like rules, this is the Chinese