论涉外仲裁个案中的越权管辖、越权解释、草率断结和有欠透明——CIETAC 2001~2002年个案评析

来源 :国际经济法论丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Liujc
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目次一、小引二、本案案情梗概三、本案裁决书“仲裁庭意见”一稿与二稿的径庭与突变(一)“仲裁庭意见”一稿——原有的2:1(二)专家咨询会议的短促评议及其可商榷之处 Second, the case of the situation three, the case of the award “Arbitration Tribunal ” a draft and second draft path and mutation (a) “Arbitral Tribunal opinion ” a draft - the original 2 : 1 (ii) Short comments by expert consultation meetings and their debates