1 病例报告患者男 ,5 6岁。因咳痰带血 5d ,经CT及纤维支气管镜检查诊为左肺腺癌。查体 :一般情况可 ,全身淋巴结未触及明显肿大 ,左上肺呼吸音低 ,右肺呼吸音清 ,腹软 ,肝、脾肋下未及。入院后采用前后两野垂直对穿照射 ,每周 5次 ,每次DT2Gy左右 ,期间给予甘氨双唑钠
1 Case report Male, 5 6 years old. Because of cough and blood 5 days, diagnosed as left lung adenocarcinoma by CT and fiberoptic bronchoscopy. Physical examination: The general situation may be, the whole body lymph node is not touched and enlarged, the breath sound of the left upper lung is low, the breath sound of the right lung is clear, the abdomen is soft, and the liver and spleen are not under the ribs. Before and after admission, vertical and horizontal radiation is applied to the front and back fields, 5 times per week, about DT2Gy each time, during which sodium glycididazole is given.