一 过去50年韩国妇女的发展 1、引言 在传统的韩国社会,女性从小就被要求学习“服从”和“忍耐”这些儒家美德,为将来她们胜任妻子和母亲的角色做准备。同时,妇女没有任何机会参加家庭之外的活动,她们的角色被局限在管理家庭,传宗接代,使家族的血脉得以延续。可以说,封建的儒家学说主导着韩国妇女生活的方方面面,她们必须完全服从于男性。 18世纪末,西方的科学知识逐渐被介绍到韩国,同时也带来了平等人权的新思想,由此妇女的社会参与被给予了有限的,然而是积极的评价。19
I. THE DEVELOPMENT OF WOMEN IN SOUTH KOREA IN THE PAST 50 YEARS 1. Introduction In traditional Korean society, women were asked to study the Confucian virtues of “obedience” and “patience” to prepare themselves for their future roles as wives and mothers. At the same time, women do not have any opportunity to participate in activities outside the home, and their role is confined to the management of the family and the passage of generations to extend the bloodline of the family. It can be said that feudal Confucianism dominates all aspects of Korean women’s life and must be completely submissive to men. At the end of the 18th century, western scientific knowledge was introduced to South Korea gradually. At the same time, it brought about a new idea of equal human rights. As a result, women’s social participation was given a limited but positive assessment. 19