外伤性玻璃体积血造成屈光间质混浊,出血机化牵拉视网膜,常引起视网膜脱落,从而导致视力丧失、眼球萎缩。玻璃体切割手术为治疗外伤性玻璃体积血和预防合并症提供了一种途径。我科1989年9月~1993年1月用该手术方法治疗外伤性玻璃体积血13例,共13只眼,收到良好效果。临床资料一、一般情况 13例中,男10例,女3例。年龄20~45岁。根据病情分为:(1)单纯玻璃体出血1例;(2)玻璃体腔机化4例;(3)增殖性视网膜病变引起视网膜脱离8例。术前视力除1例为眼前手动外,其余均为光感。经单纯玻璃体切割术和玻
Traumatic vitreous hemorrhage caused by refractive interstitial opacity, bleeding machine pulling the retina, often causing retinal detachment, resulting in loss of vision, eye atrophy. Vitrectomy provides a means of treating traumatic vitreous hemorrhage and preventing comorbidities. Our department from September 1989 to January 1993 with the surgical treatment of traumatic vitreous hemorrhage in 13 cases, a total of 13 eyes, received good results. Clinical data First, the general situation 13 cases, 10 males and 3 females. Age 20 to 45 years old. According to the disease is divided into: (1) simple vitreous hemorrhage in 1 case; (2) vitreous cavity machine in 4 cases; (3) proliferative retinopathy caused by retinal detachment in 8 cases. Preoperative visual acuity in addition to a manual before the eyes, the rest are light perception. After simple vitrectomy and glass