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随着海南建设国际旅游岛上升为国家战略,海南旅游业迎来了新一轮的发展良机。立足于对海南游客旅游文明素质的调查和研究,通过分析发现:海南游客文明意识薄弱;不文明行为呈现多样化。据此提出:加强全民礼仪教育,增强文明意识;建立健全科学的景区管理制度,提高管理水平。2014年9月8日晚,中秋佳节之夜,恰逢天气晴朗,明月当空,众多市民及游客纷纷前往三亚湾、大东海沙滩共同赏月,庆祝佳节。然而美中不足的是,赏月人群离去后,海滩上遗留下了 With the construction of Hainan International Tourism Island rose to a national strategy, Hainan tourism ushered in a new round of development opportunities. Based on the investigation and research on the tourism tourist quality of Hainan tourists, we find through analysis: the tourist awareness of Hainan is weak; the uncivilized behavior is diversified. Based on this, it is proposed to strengthen etiquette education for all people and enhance awareness of civilization; establish and improve a scientific management system of scenic spots and improve the management level. On the evening of September 8, 2014, Mid-Autumn Festival night, coincides with the weather is clear, the moon is empty, many citizens and tourists went to Sanya Bay, Dadonghai Beach together to celebrate the festival. The fly in the ointment, however, is that the moon left the beach after the crowd left
港口物流作为特殊形态下的综合物流体系,在对外贸易过程中具有不可替代的作用。就山东省而言,青岛港作为龙头,它以日照港、烟台港为依托,形成以半岛港口群为基础的东北亚外贸集装箱中转枢纽,培育壮大港口物流等现代服务业集群,成为国际航运中心。    自然条件优势    青岛港始建于1892年,是我国特大型港口之一,与130多个国家和地区的450多个港口有贸易往来,是华北地区重要的对外贸易口岸和海上运输枢纽。