“Filial Piety” as the ethical principle of filial piety as the core, the state system will be combined with ethics. In the background of the history of Confucianism, which was very much concerned with filial piety and had linked “filial piety” with “benevolence”, “filial piety” established “the filial piety” Among the ethical subjects. From the perspective of ethics, the Book of Filial Piety is not a text of virtue ethics centered on the ethical subject of filial piety and filial piety. On the contrary, the focus of the Filial Piety Book is behavior-oriented, Behavior and behavior of the rules and norms as the core concerns. In the “Book of Filial Piety”, the value of filial piety is mainly achieved by demonstrating the consequence of it and that of filial piety, that is, the political interests that the incumbent can get. However, between filial piety and the consequences of filial piety, It also introduces many demands on the general rules of conduct and etiquette of the incumbent, which makes the value of filial piety reflected in the Filial Piety Scripture more of the appearance of a tool of rationality, A certain consequence of the doctrine of orientation. In addition, the academic history “” Filial Piety “with the summer ” argument also needs to be clarified.