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0引言在供电企业中,基于传统模式的电力营销主要是一种经验营销的方式,几十个人管理着几万个甚至几十万个客户的资料,如果要求了解每一个客户的用电量、缴费情况或者台区设备情况,那简直是难于上青天,更不用说要求营销人员对每个客户实现“一对一”的互动交流服务来提高客户的 0 Introduction In the power supply enterprises, based on the traditional model of electricity marketing is mainly a way of experiential marketing, dozens of people manage tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of customer information, if asked to understand each customer’s electricity consumption, Payment situation or equipment situation in Taiwan, it is simply difficult to ascend to heaven, let alone require marketers to each client to achieve “one to one” interactive exchange services to improve customer
We investigate entanglement of assistance without and with decoherence using a local non-Hermitian operation,i.e.,parity-time (P J) symmetric operation.First we
本研究以葡萄砧木99R(Vitis berlandieri Planch×V.rupestris Scheele’99R’)为材料,建立其分化频率较高,培养方法简单的再生体系,为葡萄遗传转化研究打下基础。采用农杆菌介导
To combine the technical functions and advantages of solid-core fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) and hollow-core optical fibers (HCFs), the hollow and filled FBGs in
The piezoelectric,ferromagnetism,and magnetoelectric response of BiFeO3-BaTiO3 ceramics with the compositions around the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) of th
沙葱(Allium mongolicum Regel),又名蒙古韭,是百合科葱属的多年生旱生植物,是蒙古高原的特有种,内蒙古自治区内广泛分布。本试验主要从沙葱种子的贮藏物质、萌发、休眠特性
本文以生长在沈阳农业大学果树育种基地的(平邑甜茶与扎矮山定子杂交后代中)6个皱叶型株系、1个非整倍体单株、2组4株平邑甜茶双胚苗及对照平邑甜茶(Malushupehensis vat.ping