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溱水流域新石器至夏商时期人类文化发达,且持续发展,是中原地区乃至全国新石器至夏商时期人类文化最为发达的地区之一。本文在详细野外考察和多个地层剖面分析基础上,初步阐明了区域地貌特征及演化历史。对区域内的柿园仰韶遗址外的自然沉积剖面(34°29.409′N,113°36.933′E)进行了连续采样,并对样品进行了~(14)C年代测定和粒度、磁化率、孢粉等古环境指标分析,结合考古遗存资料,探讨了区域全新世气候演变历史。在上述古环境研究基础上,分析了区域全新世环境与人类文化演化之间的关系。结果表明:流域在地形上,处于嵩山以东至黄淮平原以西的黄土丘陵台地地形区。溱水流域共发育了3级河流阶地:第三级阶地形成于晚更新世末期;第二级阶地形成于大致6000~4000cal.aB:P.时期,下游阶地形成时代较上游早;第一级阶地形成于历史时期晚期。溱水流域全新世早期(8500~7000cal.aB.P.)气候的暖湿程度与现在相当,仰韶文化时期(7000~5000cal.aB.P.)的气候是该地区全新世最为暖湿的时期,龙山文化时期(5000~4000cal.aB.P.)以来气候的暖湿程度呈波动下降,4000cal.aB.P.以后气候逐渐变干凉。整体上较为暖湿的气候是该地区全新世人类文化持续发展的有利条件。广阔平坦的多级黄土台地和第三级阶地以及广泛分布的黄土沉积物质为新石器以来逐渐发展的旱作农业提供了有利的地貌和土地资源条件。仰韶早期及之前的人类文化遗址分布在第三级阶地和地势更高的黄土台地之上;仰韶中期以后,由于区域人口的增加和农业的发展,人类聚落有向沿河阶地和下游地区发展的趋势。 The Neolithic and Xia and Shang dynasties in the Huangshui River Valley developed and continued to develop human culture. It is one of the most developed areas of human culture in the Neolithic and Xia Shang Dynasties in the Central Plains and the whole country. Based on the detailed field investigation and the analysis of multiple stratigraphic profiles, this paper initially clarified the regional geomorphic features and evolution history. The natural sedimentary profiles (34 ° 29.409’N, 113 ° 36.933’E) outside the Yangshao site of Shiyuan in the area were continuously sampled, and the samples were analyzed for ~ (14) C dating and the grain size, magnetic susceptibility, spore Powder and other paleoenvironmental indicators analysis, combined with archaeological remains data to explore the history of regional climate evolution Holocene. Based on the above-mentioned paleoenvironmental research, the relationship between the Holocene environment in the region and the evolution of human culture is analyzed. The results show that: on the topography of the basin, it is located in the topography of the loess plateau east of Songshan and west of the Huang-Huai Plain. There are altogether 3 river terraces in the Huangshui River basin: the third terrace formed at the end of the late Pleistocene; the second terrace formed at about 6000 ~ 4000cal.aB: P. The lower terrace formed earlier than the upper terrace; the first terrace Terraces formed in the late historical period. The warm and wet climate of the Early Holocene (8500 ~ 7000cal.aB.P.) in the Huangshui River Basin is similar to the current climate. The Yangshao culture period (7000-5000cal.aB.P.) is the warmest in the Holocene , Longshan Culture period (5000 ~ 4000cal.aB.P.) Since the warm and humid climate showed a wave of decline, 4000cal.aB.P. After the climate becomes gradually cool. The overall warmer and weaker climate is favorable for the sustainable development of the Holocene human culture in the region. The vast, flat, multi-loess platform and the third terrace, as well as the widely distributed loess sediments, provide favorable landform and land resource conditions for the progressive development of dry farming since the Neolithic period. Yangshao’s early and former human cultural sites were distributed over the terraces of the third terrace and the loess plateau with higher terrain. Since the mid-Yangshao period, due to the increase of the regional population and the development of agriculture, human settlements have been developed toward the riverside terraces and downstream areas trend.
新青1号是新疆农科院粮作所培育的优质高产青贮玉米新品种.该品种一般生物产量67 500~82 500kg/hm2.春播生育期110 d左右,复播生育期90~100d,适宜≥10℃有效积温2400℃·d