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澳门青年交响乐团,内地了解这一乐团的人并不多,我也是如此。最近,我应约前往上海东方艺术中心对该乐团进行采访,当晚,澳门青年交响乐团将为上海的观众呈献一场名为“拥抱祖国”的交响音乐会。走进东艺音乐厅,舞台上的乐手(包括指挥在内)穿着统一的粉红色T恤,青春的气息扑面而来。指挥查伟革先生正在给乐队排练一部听上去很现代的作品,经了解,这部作品是旅美的澳门作曲家林品晶特为澳门青年交响乐团国内巡演而创作的,名字叫做《亚婆井之歌》。这是澳门青年交响乐团给我的第一印象。当晚7点30分,“拥抱祖国”交响音乐会准时在上海东方艺术中心音乐厅拉开帷幕。我所在的位置,刚好能将乐队的每一个细节尽收眼底。我可以清楚地看到指挥与乐手交流的眼神、动作,我也可 The Macao Youth Symphony Orchestra and the Mainland do not know much about this orchestra. So do I. I recently interviewed the orchestra at Shanghai Oriental Art Center. At that night, the Macao Youth Symphony Orchestra will present a symphony concert entitled “Embracing the Motherland” for the Shanghai audience. Into the East Arts Hall, musicians on stage (including the command, including wearing a uniform pink T-shirt, youthful breath blowing. Directing Mr. Charles Weige is rehearsing a very modern-looking piece to the band. It is understood that this piece is a work by the Macau composer Lam Pin-jing, a traveling companion from the United States, for the domestic tour of the Macao Youth Symphony Orchestra. The name is “ song”. This is my first impression given by the Macao Youth Symphony Orchestra. 7:30 that evening, “Embrace Motherland ” Symphony concert on time opened in Shanghai Oriental Arts Center Concert Hall. I am in a position where I can see every detail of the band. I can clearly see the exchange of command and musicians look, action, I can
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