本文详细介绍了当代埃及著名诗人法鲁克·朱威戴的生平和创作历程。诗人经历了自推翻末代王朝至 2 0世纪末埃及现代历史上的一系列变迁。社会的变迁影响着诗人 ,使其创作历程不断演进 ,从一个浪漫主义诗人逐步走向超现实主义 ,又从超现实主义走向后现代主义。埃及是阿拉伯世界举足轻重的国家 ,诗歌是阿拉伯民族文化的精粹 ,法鲁克·朱威戴的变化体现了阿拉伯世界文化意识的再度觉醒 ,表现出诗歌发展新的趋向
This article details the life and creative process of Farooq Juwa Dai, a famous contemporary Egyptian poet. The poet has undergone a series of changes in the modern history of Egypt since the overthrow of the last dynasty to the end of the 20th century. Social changes affect the poet, making his creative process evolving, from a romantic poet to surrealism, and from surreal to postmodernism. Egypt is the decisive country in the Arab world. Poetry is the quintessence of Arab national culture. The changes of Farouk Juvda reflect the renewed awakening of the cultural awareness in the Arab world and the new trends in the development of poetry