【出 处】
Detection of a.c. magnetic field is consequential for many developments in physical and biological sciences,and various designs of magnetometer have been propos
Late Mesoarchean crust growth event: evidence from the ca. 2.8 Ga granodioritic gneisses of the Xiao
Recently, more attention has been paid to Precambrian magma events and crustal growth of the North China Craton(NCC), accompanying with controversy in activity st
First, juvenile feed formula: ① wheat bran 37%, peanut cak
此处,我们为在 <sub>2</sub 制作订的 mesoporous 描述策略>通过超声的混合的 O <sub>3</sub>-reduced graphene 氧化物( rGO ) nanocomposite ,在此在 <sub>2</sub 订了 mes
Graphene 是包括碳原子在六角形的蜂房格子安排了的 sp <sup>2</sup>-hybridized 的石墨的一张 one-atom-thick 表。由移开蜂房格子并且与特定的几何学和尺寸形成 nanopores,
在努力的 50years 上,细胞的 reprogramming 为疾病建模和再生药打开一扇新门。尽管由抄写因素的 pluripotency 的正式就职变得普通,仅仅 epigenetic 修正的基本机制的小部分在
随着泌尿系腔道引流技术及各种支架引流管的广泛应用,输尿管内医源性异物病人随之增多。1990~1993年我们收治6例,均用经尿道输尿管肾镜取出,现报告如下。 临床资料:本组男5例
Variation in entrainment rate and relationship with cloud microphysical properties on the scale of 5
在乘火车的可变性的焦点用乘火车率在单个积云云评估的这份报纸在 5 的规模上估计了?在从八架飞机班机的 186 浅积云云的 m ,从 RACORO 地运动在 situ 观察使用(平淡的大气的
Morphology, mitochondrial development and adipogenic-related genes expression during adipocytes diff
调查草鲤鱼 preadipocytes 的区别机制,一个主要 adipocytes 文化系统被建立。汇合的 preadipocytes 被导致到区别,并且形态学和基因表达式在不同阶段被计算。preadipocytes 逐