Getting a Day Off

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   Worker: Hello, may I speak to the Boss, please?
  Boss: Speaking. Who’s calling, please?
  Worker: This is John. I can’t make it to work today, because I’m really sick.
  Boss: We need you here today because it’s too late to get a replacement. Worker: I’m sorry about that. I didn’t phone last night since I didn’t feel sick then. I woke up with it this morning.
  Boss: Why didn’t you call earlier this morning? You called at the last
  Worker: I waited because I really tried to make it today, but in the end, I was too sick.
  Boss: What do you have? Worker: I have a fever and a bad sore1 throat. Plus, I can’t breathe as my nose
  is stuffed up2. As well, I have a headache and my eyes are watering3.
  Boss: That sounds like you have a cold. I think you can come in. Worker: I decided to stay home for I think I’m contagious.
  Boss: I see. Well, can you wear a mask?
  Worker: And, because I’m dizzy4, I can’t walk very well. I’m afraid I’ll fall down.
  Boss: That’s okay, I can give you a chair to sit on. Worker: But I might fall down on the bus. I’m afraid I can’t.
  Boss: Okay, we’ll do our best here. See you tomorrow.
  Worker: Oh, I can’t come tomorrow due to a doctor’s appointment.
  Boss: Why don’t you go to the doctor today?
  Worker: I called her, but she said she’s booked solid today because of lots of
  flu cases. She thinks the change in the weather caused it. Boss: I see. Why don’t you go to a walk-in clinic?
  Worker: I can’t, on account of the wait. Last time, I waited for 4 hours there.
  Boss: Okay, I’ll see you on Wednesday. You’ll only miss two days’ pay. Worker: I’ll miss getting paid? Okay, I’ll come in today! S
  1. can’t make it a. at that time
  2. replacement b. also
  3. since c. at the last possible time, just before it is too late
  4. then d. a doctor is 100% fully reserved, you can’t get in
  5. at the last minute e. a person who is contagious has a disease that can be passed to another person by touch
  6. in the end f. a doctor’s office which doesn’t need appointment
  7. as well g. can not come to it
  8. contagious h. an example of a particular situation, problem etc.
  9. due to i. finally
  10. solid j. make it happen
  11. case k. because (as, for)
  12. cause l. because of
  13. a walk-in clinic m. because of something else, especially because of a problem or difficulty
  14. on account of n. to feel sad because you do not have something you had before
  15. miss sth. o. a new one for gone or broken one
  1. 词组in the end表达的含义是“最终结果是起初并不确定的”,如:Earlier in the story it looks like there are problems, but in the end, everything was fine. 我们还可用它来引出所做的决定,如:I was going to buy the expensive one, but in the end, I got the cheaper one. 我们也可用end的动词形式来表达这层含义,如:I ended up getting the cheaper one.
  2. case有“情形”的意思,即situation。我们常用其固定搭配in that case,如: It’ll rain? In that case, I’ll stay home. 该词还有以下几种含义:“例证,事例” (example),如:Some verbs have an irregular past;“go-went” is one case;“迷案”(mystery),如:The novel called The Case of the Missing Money is very interesting to read;“病例”(medical files)或“犯罪案件”(police files),如:I’m working on a case about a bank robbery;“诉讼案件,官司”(lawyer’s files);“理由,论据”(argument),如:The teachers make a good case for getting more money. 另外,case还有“箱子,容器”的意思,即suitcase,如:a jewellery case(首饰盒)。
为了扬名全世界,22岁的沃尔夫冈·阿玛迪乌斯·莫扎特来到巴黎。1778年5月1日,他给远在萨尔茨堡的父亲里奥帕德写了一封信:  8天前我收到德·恰波特公爵夫人的邀请,今天前往她的府邸。我在一间没有炉火的大房间里等了半小时,屋子冷得跟冰窖似的。最后公爵夫人走了进来,她很有教养,恳求我原谅,说只能弹钢琴,因为她别的乐器都有些毛病,但她要求我至少试一下。我说我很乐意弹点什么,但那时还弹不了,因为我的手指
《吹小号的天鹅》是美国作家E.B.怀特(1899-1985)所著的三部被誉为“20世纪读者最多、最受爱戴的童话”之一。  故事的主角路易斯是一只生下来就不能发声的天鹅。为了说出自己的想法,路易斯学会了在石板上写字。但其他天鹅是不认字的,路易斯还是没办法向它心爱的雌天鹅倾诉衷肠。为了帮助路易斯,天鹅爸爸从乐器店里偷来了小号。路易斯练了一遍又一遍,终于从小号里吹出了心底深处的歌。乐声不仅打动了它心爱的
说到环游世界,我们难免会想到“读万卷书,行万里路”这句话。随着互联网的日益发达,人们总觉得足不出户地捧着Lonely Planet、看看旅游网站也算是环游世界了。可事实上,脚踏实地走出来的旅途虽不一定赶得上落在文字上的内容那么精彩,一路上的体验却不是别人可以代劳、代笔的。下文作者尼古拉斯。拉普的经历便为我们提供了一个真实的例子。他驾驶一辆越野车,用456天环游了世界……    我环绕地球走了3.7
美丽的容貌、沙哑的嗓音和可爱的个性完美结合在一起,除了英国歌手兼歌曲创作人娜塔莎贝汀菲儿,你很难找到第二个拥有如此充沛精力来展现女性自主与创作出色音乐的歌手了。在她个性鲜明的流行说唱歌曲发行后不久,她就仅凭两张录音室专辑打入了英美市场。在单曲《生儿育女》和《心灵伴侣》成功打入英国单曲榜前10名之后,娜塔莎发行了单曲《这样的爱》,作为仅在美国发行的专辑《一口袋的阳光》中的首支单曲。  娜塔莎·安妮,
大学一年级升二年级的那个暑假,我受邀成为由密歇根一所大学主办的高中领袖训练营的辅导员。我已经积极地参与了众多的校园活动,这次自然也很踊跃。  入营第一天的头一个小时,在乱哄哄的“破冰仪式”和大家扭扭捏捏的互动中,我第一次注意到站在树下的一个男孩。他又小又瘦,明显的不适应和羞怯让他看上去很虚弱。在离他只有50英尺远的地方,200个热切的营员们正打闹着、互相开着玩笑,彼此开始互相结识,但树下的那个男孩
Martin Luther King has ever said that: we must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope. I believe that what he said is quite true. When something disappointing or something
It's a brave woman in this day andage who writes a parenting memoir. Whatmade you want to do it?  I didn't write this book to tell peoplehow to parent. In fact, I wrote this book in amoment of crisis.
一口袋的阳光    我有一口袋,一口袋的阳光  我拥有一份爱,我知道那是属于我的  做你想做的,但你无法摧跨我  棍棒和石头也无法动摇我  带我离开,一个秘密的地方  甜蜜的逃亡,带我离开  带我离开去过更好的生活  带我离开,一个隐藏之地  我有一口袋,一口袋的阳光  我拥有一份爱,我知道那走属于我的  做你想做的,但你无法摧跨我  棍棒和石头也无法动摇我  我有一口袋,一口袋的阳光  我拥有一
When he was 17 years old, Robert received a supporting role in Harry Potter and the Goblet Fire.4 And his hard work in the movie was appreciated by the people from the movie world. One year later, his
《沃特希普荒原》(1972)是英国作家理查德·亚当斯的处女作,被誉为兔子版的《奥德赛》,出版当年就获得了英国儿童文学大奖卡内基奖,从而畅销英伦三岛内外,是一部堪与《柳林风声》和《动物庄园》相媲美的现代经典作品。  故事开始于天赋异禀的兔子菲尔的预言:兔子领地上将会有一场来自人类的毁灭性灾难,于是他和勇敢机智的哥哥榛子前去觐见兔子首领,劝他带领兔群离开领地,但遭到拒绝。不得已,榛子只好担起了领袖的责