无精子症是引起男性不育较为常见的病因 ,约占男性不育的 19%。根据无精子症的病因学分类 ,可将其分为阻塞性和非阻塞性无精子症。 1992年Palermo等[1] 应用卵细胞胞质内单精子注射 (ICSI)技术辅助受精的成功 ,对无精子症的治疗有了新的突破。近年来应用睾丸或附睾精子在治疗阻
Azoospermia is a common cause of male infertility, accounting for about 19% of male infertility. According to the etiology of azoospermia classification, it can be divided into obstructive and non-obstructive azoospermia. 1992 Palermo et al [1] the application of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) technology assisted fertilization success, a new breakthrough in the treatment of azoospermia. In recent years, testis or epididymal sperm in the treatment of resistance