精河县位于新疆西北部,准噶尔盆地西南边缘,东距自治区首府乌鲁木齐市380 km。精河县属博尔塔拉蒙古自治州,辖3乡2镇2个农牧场,全县总人口122 820人,其中农村人口87 570人,占全县人口总数的71.3%,由汉、维、哈、蒙、回等民族组成,其中汉族占全县人口总数的67.8%。现将精河县200
Jinghe County is located in northwest Xinjiang, southwestern margin of Junggar Basin, Urumqi, the capital of Dongju Autonomous Region, 380 km. Jinghe County belongs to Bortala Mongol Autonomous State and it has jurisdiction over 2 agricultural farms in 3 townships and 2 townships. The total population of the county is 122,820, of which 87,570 are rural residents, accounting for 71.3% of the total population in the county. , Ha, Mongolia, Hui and other ethnic groups, of which Han accounted for 67.8% of the total population of the county. Now Jinghe 200