虽然此前读过不少有关海尔的研究,迈克尔·A.库斯玛诺(Michael A.Cusumano)却直到2013年7月才在青岛见到张瑞敏。与张共进午餐的时候,这位专攻技术管理和企业策略研究的麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院特聘教授吃惊地发现,张瑞敏很认真地读过他的新书《耐力制胜》,在谈话间信手拈来地提及了书中大量细节。在这一次海尔商业模式创新全球论坛上,张瑞敏特意邀请库斯玛诺到青岛做论坛演讲嘉宾,请他讲解管理战略与创新的六大永恒法则。某种程度上,库斯玛诺认为张瑞敏与他对于平台管理的理念不谋而合。不过,对于张瑞敏对海尔所进行的平台变革,库斯玛诺提醒道,任何变革都有其积极和消极的意义,平台策略能够激发员工自主精神,却可能会让一个企业丧失规模经济优势。
Although many previous studies of Haier had read, Michael A. Cuumano did not meet with Zhang Ruimin in Qingdao until July 2013. When lunch with Zhang, the Distinguished Professor at MIT Sloan School of Management, which specializes in technology management and corporate strategy research, was surprised to find that Zhang Ruimin had read his new book, “Endurance,” seriously and brought it in from scratch And the book a lot of detail. At this time, Haier’s business model innovation global forum, Zhang Ruimin deliberately invited Cuzmano to Qingdao to do forum speakers, asked him to explain the management strategy and innovation of the six eternal law. To some extent, Cusmano argues that Zhang Ruimin coincided with his philosophy of platform management. However, for Zhang Ruimin’s platform change to Haier, Kusimao cautioned that any change has its positive and negative meanings. Platform strategies can inspire employee autonomy, but may make an enterprise lose its economies of scale.