Effects of tachyplesin on the morphology and ultrastructure of human gastric carcinoma cell line BGC

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yxz_89
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AIM To investigate the morphological andultrastructural changes in the human gastriccarcinoma cell line BGC-823 after being treatedwith tachyplesin.METHODS Tachyplesin was isolated from acidextracts of Chinese horseshoe crab(Tachypleustridentatus)hemocytes.BGC-823 cells and thecells treated with 2.0mg/L tachyplesin wereexamined respectively under light microscope,scanning and transmission electron microscope.RESULTS BGC-823 cells had undergone therestorational alteration in morphology andultrastructure after tachyplesin treatment.Thechanges were as follows:the shape of cells wasunanimous,the volume enlarged and cellsturned to be flat and spread,the nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio lessened and nuclear shapebecame rather regular,the number of nucleolusreduced and its volume lessened,heter-chromatin decreased while euchromatinincreased in nucleus.In the cytoplasm,mitochondria grew in number with consistentstructure relatively,Golgi complex turned to betypical and well-developed,rough endoplasmicreticulum increased and polyribosomedecreased.The microvilli at cellular surfacewere rare and the filopodia reduced whilelamellipodia increased at the cell edge.CONCLUSION Tachyplesin could alter themalignant morphological and ultrastructuralcharacteristics of human gastric carcinoma cellseffectively and have a certain inducing differen-tiation effect on human gastric carcinoma cells. AIM To investigate the morphological andultrastructural changes in the human gastriccarcinoma cell line BGC-823 after being treatedwith tachyplesin.METHODS Tachyplesin was isolated from acidextracts of Chinese horseshoe crab (Tachypleustridentatus) hemocytes. BGC-823 cells and the cells treated with 2.0 mg / L tachyplesin wereexamined respectively under light microscope, scanning and transmission electron microscope .RESULTS BGC-823 cells had undergone there is body alteration in morphology andultrastructure after tachyplesin treatment. the shape of cells wasunanimous, the volume enlarged and cellsturned to be flat and spread, the nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio lessened and nuclear shapebecame rather regular, the number of nucleolusreduced and its volume lessened, heter-chromatin decreased while euchromatincrecreased in nucleus. the cytoplasm, mitochondria grew in number with consistentstructure relatively, Golgi complex turned to betypical and well-developed , rough endoplasmic reticulum increased and polyribosome decreased.The microvilli at cellular surfacewere rare and the filopodia reduced while lamellipodia increased at the cell edge. CONCLUSION Tachyplesin could alter themalignant morphological and ultrastructuralcharacteristics of human gastric carcinoma cell functionally and have a certain inducing differeniation effect on human gastric carcinoma cells.
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