今年3月24日,美国纳斯达克股票交易所传出一则消息:当天收盘时,思科系统公司(Cisco Systems Inc.)股票市值一举超过微软公司,成为世界第一大公司。此消息一发布,即引起多家媒体争相报道,称之为一夜之间抢了比尔·盖茨微软公司的“头把交椅”。微软和思科两家公司都是纳斯达克股票交易所的成员,且同属高科技企业。自去年8月以来,微软公司的股票价格一直变化不大,上涨乏力,而思科公司的股票却持续上涨,升势如日中天,致使两家公司的市值差距越来越小,直至3月24日纳斯达克交易所收盘时,思科公司的股票上涨到创纪录的79.375美元,股票市值达到了5792亿美元,而微软公司股票价格为111.6875美元,股票市值为5782亿美元,比思科公司少了整整10亿美元,至此思科公司终于超过了微软,成为名副其实的世界头号公司。
March 24 this year, the United States Nasdaq Stock Exchange came the news: the close of the day, Cisco Systems Inc. (Cisco Systems Inc.) stock market surpass Microsoft, becoming the world’s largest company. This news release, that caused a number of media coverage, called overnight grabbed Bill Gates Microsoft’s “top spot.” Both Microsoft and Cisco are members of the NASDAQ Stock Exchange, both high-tech companies. Since August last year, Microsoft’s stock price has been little changed, sluggish, and Cisco’s stock has continued to rise, soaring ominous, resulting in the market value of the two companies getting smaller and smaller, until March 24 satisfied At the close of the NASDAQ Stock Exchange, Cisco shares rose to a record high of $ 79.375 with a market cap of $ 579.2 billion, while Microsoft shares were $ 111.6875 with a market cap of $ 578.2 billion, less than Cisco Systems One billion US dollars, so far Cisco finally surpassed Microsoft to become a veritable world number one company.