通过缓控释肥养分释放试验,研究了缓控释肥标准检测方法与快速测定方法的差异。结果表明:供试CRF1至CRF4样品快速测定方法与标准方法误差范围为2.7%~8.3%,完全满足GB/T 23348—2009养分释放期允许误差范围25%的要求;在改变包膜材料、添加剂和喷涂温度条件下,制成的CRF5至CRF16样品采用快速测定方法用原有预测方程预测养分释放期可靠性差,表明一个预测方程不能快速准确评价所有缓控释肥。
Through the controlled release of nutrient release test to study the controlled release standard test methods and rapid determination of differences. The results showed that the error range of the method for rapid determination of CRF1 to CRF4 for the test and the standard method was 2.7% ~ 8.3%, fully meeting the requirement of 25% of the allowable error range of the release period of GB / T 23348-2009. After changing the coating material, And spray temperature, the CRF5 to CRF16 samples prepared by rapid determination method using the original prediction equation to predict the reliability of nutrient release period is poor, indicating that a prediction equation can not quickly and accurately evaluate all controlled release fertilizer.