我沐着夕阳的余辉刚走上楼梯,前面一个坚毅的身影忽地引起了我的注意。他背着一个很大的登山包,身穿满是口袋的摄影背心,正在寻找着什么。等我走进中国摄影家杂志社的编辑部,赫然发现他也在座。原来他就是我今天的采访对象——著名摄影师李少白。 他的相貌比起他的背影反倒不是很引人注意,谦和的笑,不多的言语,很难想像那么多令人震撼的片子就出自他手。然而谈起30多年的摄影经历,好像触动了他大脑里某根激动敏
I am Muyu sunset just walked up the stairs, in front of a determined figure suddenly caught my attention. He was carrying a large mountaineering bag, wearing a full pocket vest, is looking for something. As I walked into the editorial department of China Photography Magazine, I was surprised to find out that he was here too. He turned out to be my interviewee today - famous photographer Li Shaobai. His appearance is not very attractive compared with his back, modest laughter, not many words, it is difficult to imagine so many stunning movie came from his hand. However, talking about more than 30 years of photography experience, it seems that touched an excited sensation in his brain