正像篮球场上无人替代乔丹一样,在乒乓球台前,我也找不出第二个瓦尔德内尔。 初识瓦尔德内尔,是在第37届世乒赛上。那时的他初出茅庐,才华横溢,虽最后败在江嘉良和蔡振华拍下,但也由此开始了他与中国选手间的球场对话。而我的老瓦情结,就在此时埋下了种子。如今,十几年过去了,老瓦的对手,也换了一个又一个。而球场上的老瓦,依然是那么从容镇定,挥洒自如。我常想,如果说“瓦尔德内尔”这个名字是有意为之的话,那老瓦其人,也许是上帝派来专打乒乓球的吧?因为一个伟大的乒乓球运动者所应具备
Just as no one on the basketball court to replace Jordan, at the table tennis table, I can not find a second Waldner. First met Waldner, is in the 37th World Championships. At that time, he was fledgling and talented. Although he finally defeated Jiang Jialiang and Cai Zhenhua, he started the course dialogue between him and Chinese players. And my old knot, at this time planted the seeds. Now, more than a decade later, the old tile opponents, but also changed one after another. The old tile on the court, is still calm calm, sway freely. I used to think that if the name “Waldner” is intentional, then Lao Waqie, perhaps God sent specially to play table tennis right? Because a great table tennis player should have