目的 研究多发性后极部色素上皮病变 (multifocal posterior pigment epitheliopathy,MPPE)的视网膜和脉络膜循环特点 ,探讨该病的发病机制及其与中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变 (central serouschorioretinopathy,CSC)之间的关系。 方法 对 6例 MPPE患者的 7只眼吲哚青绿血管造影 (indocyaninegreen angiography,ICGA)和荧光素眼底血管造影 (fundus fluorescein angiography,FFA)检查结果进行对比分析。 结果 5例 5只眼 FFA检查为活动期 ,其中 4只眼在 ICGA造影早期有脉络膜充盈延迟 ,占 80 %。FFA显示有渗漏处 ,ICGA均有相应的渗漏灶。在渗漏灶的周围及后极部尚有弥漫性相对强荧光。病变恢复期 ,FFA已无明显渗漏 ,ICGA仍显示脉络膜荧光渗漏。 结论 MPPE与 CSC有着相同的 ICGA改变 ,但前者病变范围更加广泛。 MPPE为 CSC的较严重型 ,为原发于脉络膜病变的疾病。
Objective To investigate the retinal and choroidal circulation characteristics of multifocal posterior pigment epithelial lesions (MPPE) and to explore its pathogenesis and its relationship with central serouschororetinopathy (CSC) relationship. Methods The results of indocyanine green angiography (ICGA) and fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA) were compared among 7 MPPE patients. Results FFA was detected in 5 eyes of 5 eyes. Among them, 4 eyes had choroidal filling delay in the early stage of ICGA, accounting for 80%. FFA showed a leak, ICGA has a corresponding leakage of stove. Around the leakage and the posterior pole diffuse relatively strong fluorescence. Lesion recovery, FFA no significant leakage, ICGA still shows choroidal fluorescence leakage. Conclusion MPPE and CSC have the same ICGA changes, but the former is more extensive. MPPE is the more severe type of CSC, the primary disease in choroidal lesions.