不久前,在一次国际会议上,新加坡代表向日本代表请教:值此非典病毒在亚洲很多国家蔓延之际,为什么日本国内迄今还没有一例?有什么好的办法?请赐教一二。日本代表给新加坡代表的答案是“幸运”。但分析家认为,非典在日本没有蔓延开来,既有偶然因素,也有一些必然的因素,这就是日本人注意个人卫生和环境卫生,这在预防非典方面起了一定的积极作用。1 不随地吐痰
Not long ago, at an international conference, the representative of Singapore asked the representative of Japan for advice: On the occasion of the spread of the SARS virus in many Asian countries, why is there no case so far in Japan? What are the best ways? Please enlighten me. The answer given by the representative of Japan to the representative of Singapore was “lucky.” However, analysts believe that SARS has not spread in Japan. There are both contingency factors and inevitable factors. This is the Japanese attention to personal hygiene and sanitation. This has played a positive role in preventing SARS. 1 spit everywhere