Business Brisk at Traditional Temple Fairs

来源 :China Today | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kuaiyu001
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OLD time Beijing was site of one thousand temples. Citizens would visit them in order to meet, make friends and renew old acquaintances, as well as worship. Then, as now, residents of Beijing laid great store on eating and enjoyment. Consequently row upon row of food and souvenir stalls sprang up in temples and their surrounding areas. Later, they became venues for celebratory outings in which to eat, watch dance performances, play drinking games and choose gifts from hosts of souvenir stalls. The temple fair “season” was the first lunar month, when they were held almost daily, carnival fashion. Citizens would visit them in order to meet, make friends and renew old acquaintances, as well as worship. Then, as now, residents of Beijing laid great store on eating and enjoyment. row of food and souvenir stalls sprang up in temples and their surrounding areas. Later, they became venues for celebratory outings in which to eat, watch dance performances, play drinking games and choose gifts from hosts of souvenir stalls. The temple fair “season ”was the first lunar month, when they were held almost daily, carnival fashion.
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