龟背竹(Monstera deliciosa Liebrn)为天南星科龟背竹属的常缘大藤本。其叶幼时呈心型、无孔,长大后则羽状深裂,各叶脉间有穿孔,极具观赏价值,深受人们喜爱。该属植物约50余种,但常见栽培和具观赏价值的却仅此一种。目前,常规繁殖多用扦插法,由于扦穗甚少和生长缓慢,使大量繁育受到了限制,难以满足市场需求。现将我们经过长时间实验研究,用组培法快速繁育龟背竹技术介绍如下,供参考。
Monstera deliciosa Liebrn is a large evergreen vine of the genus Monstera. When its leaves were heart-shaped, non-porous, grew up after the pinnacle cracking, perforation between the veins, very ornamental value, loved by the people. The genus about more than 50 species, but the common cultivation and ornamental value but only this one. At present, the conventional multiplication cutting method, due to few spikelets and slow growth, so that a large number of breeding has been limited, difficult to meet market demand. Now we go through a long period of experimental study, rapid cultivation of tissue culture with Monstera technology introduced below, for reference.