医用监护仪是各类医用电子仪器中应用极为普遍的一种 ,它通常被配置于医院的CCU、ICU病房和手术室、抢救室及其他一些需要长时间的监测病人生理参数的场合。它既可单独使用 ,也可与其他监护仪及中央监护仪一起联网构成监护系统。早期的监护仪由于技术的限制 ,只能对模拟心电信
Medical monitors are the most common type of medical electronic instrument used. They are usually deployed in hospital CCUs, ICU wards and operating rooms, emergency rooms, and other situations that take a long time to monitor patient physiology. It can be used alone or in conjunction with other monitors and central monitors to form a monitoring system. Early monitors due to technical limitations, only on the analog heartbeat