近年来,我国代料栽培香菇生产发展很快,产量跃居世界首位,但由于目前烘烤设备落后,干菇品质低劣,在国际市场上仍缺乏竞争力。因此,改进烘干机械,提高香菇烘干品质,是当前亟待解决的问题。我们自1986年起,协同中国船舶制造总公司所属703研究所等单位,经过三年的努力,研制出YT—40I 型组合式脱水机,并于1989年5月通过了省级鉴定,现简报如下:
In recent years, the production of mushrooms in our country has been developing rapidly and its output ranks the first in the world. However, due to the current poor roasting equipment, the quality of dried mushrooms is still not competitive in the international market. Therefore, to improve the drying machinery, improve the drying quality of mushrooms is the urgent problem to be solved. Since 1986, we have developed the YT-40I modular dewatering machine after three years of efforts in collaboration with the 703 Research Institute affiliated to China National Shipbuilding Corporation and other units. At the provincial level in May 1989, we passed the provincial briefing as follows: