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作为一种新的学术现象、研究热点和新学科,文艺美学在20世纪80年代萌生、形成、确立、发展,有其特定的历史文化机缘:第一,它同当时的社会文化环境和历史变迁有着直接或间接、隐蔽或明显、紧密或松散的关系,具体说,它是“思想解放运动”的一部分,是对以往思想禁锢和僵化模式的反拨;第二,它自身存在着得以生发、成长的内在机制和学术理路,是文艺本身的“审美”特性以及“审美”地关注文艺本身的特性的内在要求使然。在21世纪的新形势下,文艺美学会应新的历史文化环境和自身内在发展的需求,不断变化、前进。 As a new academic phenomenon, a hot topic and a new discipline, literary aesthetics started its formation, establishment and development in the 1980s with its own specific historical and cultural opportunities. First, it is associated with the current social and cultural environment and historical changes Has a direct or indirect, covert or obvious, close or loose relationship. Specifically, it is part of the “movement for the liberation of ideas.” It is a backlash against imprisonment and rigidification of past thinking. Second, it has its own The inherent mechanism and academic approach of germination and growth are the inherent requirements of the “aesthetic ” characteristics of literature and art itself and the “aesthetic ” concern about the characteristics of literature and art itself. Under the new situation of the 21st century, the arts, aesthetics and society should constantly change and advance under the new historical and cultural environment and the needs of its own internal development.
细胞凋亡依赖一类对天冬氨酸特异的半胱氨酸蛋白酶 (caspases)产生的级联反应。caspase 8是死亡受体介导的凋亡途径中关键的启动子 ,能够通过寡聚而自身切割活化 ,并能激活下