“望子成龙”这句历史久远的话,现下十分流行。特别是如今下一代绝大多数是独生子女,父母望子成龙的心更印。其实何只父母,老师也望“生”成龙。但是,事情青常与愿望相违,望子顾龙而子 却不成龙,甚至成了“虫”的事是屡见不鲜。人们不禁要问,良好的愿望收到的却是不良的效果,这是为什么呢9 追本溯源,原因就在于:望子成龙”作为一种心愿是无可非的,但用以作为培养下一代的一种教育模式,却是一大误区。
The words of “Succeed in the hopefulness” are very popular nowadays. In particular, the vast majority of the next generation are now only children, and the hearts of their parents and their ascendents are even more printed. In fact, what parents, teachers also hope that “students” Jackie Chan. However, things are often contrary to wishes and green, son Gu Long son is not as good as ever, and even became a “bug” thing is not uncommon. One can not help but ask: a good wish is received, but this is an undesirable result. This is why it is impossible to find a future because “hopelessness is a wish,” but it is used as a tool to nurture the next generation An educational model is a big mistake.