改革前的机车、车辆购置配属体制长期以来,全路的机车、车辆由铁道部负责筹集资金,统一购置,各铁路局只要做出需用机车、车辆数量的计划申请即可分配到机车、车辆,再按规定支付少量折旧费、修理费以及运用中发生的费用。从投资的角度看,铁路局无须投资,只管使用,这仍是计划经济的管理模式。 购置机车、车辆的款源分为银行贷款、更改投资、专项基金和自筹资金4类。根据近几年统计资料分析,一般情况下,用银行贷款购置机车、车辆约占总购置费的70%左右,而在机车的购置费中,贷款的比重要大于这个比例。如1994年度机车购置费中贷款占98%,自筹资金仅占2%;1995年贷款占99%,专项基金和自筹资金只占1%。由此可见,机车购置费的款源几乎全是贷款。众所周知,贷款需还本付息。
For a long time, all locomotives and vehicles were financed by the Ministry of Railways and financed by the Ministry of Railways. As long as plans were made to make use of locomotives and vehicles, the railway administrations could allocate them to locomotives and vehicles , According to the provisions of a small amount of depreciation fees, repairs and the costs incurred in the operation. From an investment point of view, the railway administration does not need to invest any more and just uses it. This is still the mode of management of the planned economy. The purchase of locomotives, vehicles are divided into bank loans, changes in investment, special funds and self-financing 4 categories. According to statistical data analysis in recent years, under normal circumstances, the purchase of motorcycles by bank loans, vehicles account for about 70% of the total purchase cost, while in the locomotive purchase costs, the proportion of loans greater than this ratio. For example, in 1994, the purchase of motorcycles accounted for 98% of loans, with only 2% of self-financing; in 1995, loans accounted for 99% of the total, while special funds and self-financing accounted for only 1%. This shows that the source of locomotive purchase costs almost all loans. As we all know, loans need to pay back the principal and interest.