The purpose is to provide subtle, dynamic cytological behavioral indicators for the detection of prethrombotic blood samples. Methods In this study, we used a “high-magnification” (THMI-UP) microscopy system (THMI-UP, magnification 16000 times) to delay the ELT (euglobulin lysis time) and reduce the content of tissue plasminogen activator , Plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI) and a2 fibrinolysis inhibitor increased activity of specimens were detected. The results showed significant erythrocyte aggregation, platelet aggregation and circulating endothelial cells (CEC), which are important for the ultimate formation of thrombi. Conclusion The detection of various indexes of fibrinolytic system has been widely used in clinical practice. It is often used to reflect the prethrombotic state of the body. The specificity of fibrinolytic system has been the focus of attention. In this experiment, the high magnification microscopy system was used to analyze the behavior of activated blood cells. Provides a more subtle cytological profile for the detection of pre-thrombotic blood samples.