人们称卡梅尔(Carmel by the sea)是加州1号公路上最具文艺范的艺术小镇,如果说1号公路的高潮是17英里,那么卡梅尔可算17英里的前奏。据说这里60%的居民都是职业艺术家,中国国画大师张大千也曾在此地居住了8年。也许是淡季缘故,我眼里的卡梅尔远比曾经去过的涑河古镇、朱家角、丽江等地要安宁许多,有些像我和女儿去过的苏格兰湖区,以画廊居多,外加工艺品店、书店、咖啡馆和一些设计师品牌的服饰店。不少店家商品一眼望去堪称珍品,扑面而来
Carmel by the sea is said to be the most artistic town on California’s No. 1 road. If Carmel was on Highway 1 with a 17-mile climax then Carmel could be a 17-mile prelude. It is said that 60% of residents here are professional artists, Chinese painting master Zhang Daqian also lived here for 8 years. Perhaps the off-season reason, Carmel in my eyes is far more peaceful than the ancient towns of Bahe, Zhujiajiao, Lijiang and some other places where I’ve been. Some of the Scottish Lakes where I and my daughters went are mostly galleries and artisans, Bookstores, cafes and some designer boutiques. Many stores at first glance looked treasures, blowing