加强命题研究 促进考试与评价改革

来源 :课程教材教学研究(中教研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:killlikk
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对考试命题的改革,对学生学业成绩的评价,历来是社会、家长关注的焦点,我们在初中命题改革中体现了下列五个特点: 1.凋整设问方式,激发学习兴趣 在试题设计上,问题的提出采用与学生交流的方式,增加对话性的题目,这样可以使学生更好的进入问题所创设的情境之中,与试卷融为一体。如:初一语文试题:“在我国悠久的古文化中,文言文散发着它特有的幽香,你学会了多少?你能说出下列词语在今天的含义 The reform of exam propositions and the evaluation of students’ academic performance have always been the focus of attention of the society and parents. We have reflected the following five characteristics in the reform of junior high school propositions: 1. Withdrawing questions and stimulating interest in the design of test questions The question is proposed in a way that communicates with students and increases the topic of dialogue. This will enable students to better enter the situation created by the problem and integrate with the test paper. Such as: the first language test questions: "In our long-standing ancient culture, the classical text exudes its unique fragrance, how much do you learn? You can say the following words in today’s meaning