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中国农业博物馆中国现代农业科技陈列各项筹备工作已经就绪,于9月20日正式向社会开放。中国现代农业科技陈列面积1600平方米,内容分为序、现代农业科技史、农业高新技术和农业科普园地等四部分,陈列各类农业文物、农作物及畜禽标本等1000多件,陈列展从种植业、畜牧业、渔业、农业机械化等四个方面,系统地回顾并展示了新中国成立50年来农业科技发展历程和取得的辉煌成就,展望农业高新技术发展的美好前景。新中国成立50年来,农业科技在农业生产中发挥了十分重要的作用,农业科技贡献率已从“一五”计划的19.8%提高到“九五”计划的50%,农业生产力水平显著提高。粮、棉、油、肉、蛋、奶、水产品等与人们生活紧密相关的农产品产量分别从1949年的11318万吨、44万吨、256 China Agricultural Museum China’s modern agricultural science and technology exhibitions are ready for all preparations, on September 20 officially open to the community. China’s modern agricultural science and technology exhibition area of ​​1,600 square meters, divided into order, modern agricultural science and technology history, agricultural high-tech and agricultural popular science park and other four parts, display all kinds of agricultural artifacts, crops and livestock specimens more than 1,000 pieces of exhibits from the exhibition Agriculture, animal husbandry, fishery and agricultural mechanization. This paper systematically reviews and demonstrates the development of agricultural science and technology in the past 50 years since the founding of New China and its brilliant achievements, and looks forward to the bright future of agricultural high-tech development. In the 50 years since the founding of New China, agricultural science and technology have played a very important role in agricultural production. The contribution rate of agricultural science and technology has risen from 19.8% of the “January 5” plan to 50% of the “1995” plan. The agricultural productivity Significantly increased levels. The output of agricultural products closely related to people’s livelihood such as grain, cotton, oil, meat, egg, milk and aquatic products were respectively 113.18 million tons, 440,000 tons and 256
本研究通过彩色多普勒超声观察Graves病患者治疗前后甲状腺血流的状态及变化 ,探讨其对指导Graves病治疗及判断预后的意义。资料与方法病例选择 :临床确诊为Graves病的患者 2 6例 ,其中男 10例
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肾上腺疾病的手术治疗创伤大,亦有不少患者因不能耐受而失去手术机会 尽管腹腔镜下行肾上腺手术已在临床应用,但创伤仍然较大,所以,微创、可重复性强的血管介入性治疗对肾上
1病例介绍 患者,女,26岁。因宫内孕39 周,第一胎,早破水于1999年6月24日上午8:30入院,入院后测生命体征及胎心均正常,经询问患者无青霉素过敏史,为预防宫腔感染给予阿莫西林胶囊口服。剂量每次500 mg,每日
采用光学视频接触角测量仪测定了苹果叶片的表面自由能,以及2.5%高效氟氯氰菊酯水乳剂(beta-cyfluthrin EW)稀释液的表面张力及静态接触角、0~60 s动态接触角。结果表明:苹果
实验发现纳米金(AuNPs)能有效地猝灭碳点(CDs)的荧光.考察了CDs质量浓度、pH值、反应温度和时间等多种因素对荧光猝灭的影响,在最佳实验条件下猝灭常数为9.1×108 L/mol.此外