Acupuncture meridian conduction phenomenon, in recent years by the more widespread attention. As the phenomenon of sensation is one of the more common manifestations of meridian phenomenon, it is certainly helpful for us to understand the essence of meridians. The phenomenon of meridian sensation relates to somatosensory and its conduction along the two aspects of the problem. The material basis for somatosensory perception first takes into account the somatosensory area of the back of the central cortex. The original feeling of pain and paralysis of the paraventricular nucleus have a close relationship. The synergistic activity of both the thalamus and the cerebral cortex appears to be necessary to produce somatosensory sensation. Sense phenomenon occurs in the acid, hemp, swelling, pumping, water flow, air current, electric hemp, insects climb, creep, cool, hot and so on. In human brain surgery, as used