美国聚乙烯(PE)生产的竞争优势和中国广泛使用煤制烯烃技术生产聚丙烯(PP)这两大因素将改变全球PE和PP市场格局。产能过剩将继续为全球聚氯乙烯(PVC)市场前景蒙上阴影,但是北美PVC生产商受益于页岩气将拥有明显的优势。聚苯乙烯市场正在复苏,亚洲有望将进一步驱动增长。据IHS化学称,2013年全球聚合物的消费量达到约222 Mt,其中PE和PP占到62%。未来PE和PP需求
The competitive advantage of polyethylene (PE) production in the United States and the widespread use of coal-to-olefin technology to produce polypropylene (PP) in China will change the global market for PE and PP. Overcapacity will continue to cast a shadow over the global market for polyvinyl chloride (PVC), but North American PVC producers will benefit from shale gas with clear advantages. The polystyrene market is recovering and Asia is expected to further drive growth. According to IHS Chemical, global polymer consumption reached about 222 Mt in 2013, with PE and PP accounting for 62%. Future PE and PP requirements