在群星璀璨的好莱坞,同时出现过两位“教父”级人物——阿尔·帕西诺和罗伯特·德尼罗,他们各自以其高超的演技和鲜明个性在世界影坛交相辉映,成为一对后人无法复制的绝代双骄。1995年,迈克尔·曼恩为迎合观众心理,在电影《盗火线》中撮成两大巨星合作上演对手戏,片中帕西诺和德尼罗在一个幽暗的酒馆中四日相对时,导演的目的达到了:所有观众都有一种将要窒息的感觉……然而,生活的真镜头却远不同于电影中蒙太奇所表现出的理想和浪漫。当 NBA 四届得分王艾弗森来到丹佛联袂本赛季头号得分手安东尼时,短期的轰动效应绝不是掘金主帅乔治·卡尔的终极目标,炒作的浮云渐渐散尽,等待他们的将会是一个怎样的未来?
In the stars of Hollywood, there are two “Godfather” -level - Al Pacino and Robert De Niro, each with their superb acting and distinctive personality in the world film each other, as a The future generations can not duplicate peer arrogance. In 1995, Michael Mann to cater to the audience psychology, in the movie “Pirates of the Fire” in the two star co-starring rival show, the film Pacino and De Niro in a gloomy pub on the 4th relative time, the director The goal has been achieved: all audiences have a feeling of suffocation ... However, the real lens of life is far different from the ideal and romance shown by montage in the movie. When the fourth NBA scoring champion Iverson came to Denver this season’s top scorer Anthony, the short-term sensational effect is by no means the ultimate goal of the Nuggets coach George Carl, speculation clouds gradually cleared, waiting for their will be What kind of future?