精神药物的联用,在临床实践中较为普遍,有统计资料表明,约有半数以上的病人采用此法[1,2]。为了解联合与单一用药剂量间差异性,对1996年1~12月住院病人的用药状况进行回顾性研究,现报告如下。1 样本与方法1.1 样本:随机抽取1996年1~12月住院病人380例,男220例,女160例。1.2
The combination of psychotropic drugs is more common in clinical practice, there are statistics show that about half of patients using this method [1,2]. In order to understand the difference between the combined and single dose, the retrospective study on inpatients’ medication status from January to December 1996 are as follows. 1 samples and methods 1.1 samples: randomly selected from January 1996 to December inpatient 380 cases, 220 males and 160 females. 1.2