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鲁玉13号,原名鲁单203,是山东省农科院玉米研究所新育成的高产、高效、优质蛋白玉米杂交种。1993年通过山东省农作物品种审定委员会审定命名,同年获得山东省第二届农业博览会一等奖,此前被农业部定为1993~1994年国家重点扩繁品种。 1、产量表现 鲁玉13号在中等水肥条件下667平方米产550千克,在高水肥条件下可达850千克。1990~1991年鲁玉13号参加全国优质蛋白玉米杂交种区试,两年36点次,平均667平方米产 Luyu 13, formerly known as Ludan 203, is a high-yielding, high-quality and high-quality protein hybrid of maize cultivated newly by the Institute of Maize, Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences. In 1993, it was approved by the Shandong Province Crop Variety Approval Committee and won the first prize of the Second Shandong Agricultural Exposition in the same year. It was previously designated as a national key expansion variety by the Ministry of Agriculture in 1993-1994. 1, the yield performance Luyu 13 in medium water and fertilizer production 667 square meters yield 550 kilograms, in high water and fertilizer conditions up to 850 kilograms. From 1990 to 1991, Luyu 13 participated in the national high-quality protein and maize hybrid zone test, 36 points twice a year, with an average of 667 square meters
超大穗小麦有诸多缺陷 超大穗小麦的育成是科学家在培育良种方面的一大成功,但是它刚育成不久,在许多地方还没有经过正规的区域试验和审定,更没有经过进一步巩固和改良,缺陷
1、10月11日,中国共产党第十五届五中全会通过了《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发 展第十个五年计划的建议》,宣布我国“九五”计划胜利完成,我国人民生活总体上达到小 康水