In this paper, the proliferation of lymphocyte insulin-dependent tyrosine kinase activity and endogenous waste were analyzed. Purified healthy human lymphocytes by adding appropriate amount of phytohemagglutinin (PHA), after 72h culture to become transformed lymphocytes (proliferating lymphocytes). The application of ~ (32) P into the experiment, confirmed that transformed lymphocyte insulin receptor insulin-dependent tyrosine kinase activity, compared with the untransformed control group increased by about 9-fold. Scatchard analysis showed a 3.5-fold increase in the number of insulin receptors on the surface of transformed lymphocyte membranes. Application of anti-tyrosine phosphates antibody, before and after the conversion of insulin and non-transformed lymphocytes, tyrosine phosphorylation of protein were identified, the results showed that: in addition to 95kD receptor β subunit autophosphorylation, The 45kD protein is also clearly phosphorylated, and we name it PP45. We believe that PP45 may be the major endogenous waste of insulin receptor tyrosine kinase in lymphocytes and its phosphorylation is an initial step in the cascade of insulin signaling.