为规范物业服务收费行为 ,保障业主和物业管理企业的合法权益 ,国家发展改革委、建设部联合下发了《物业服务收费管理办法》 ,自2004年1月1日起实施。《办法》的实施对于解决当前物业管理服务不规范、收费与服务不相符 ,物业服务费用构成不尽合理的问题 ,减少业主与物业管理企?
In order to standardize the charging of property services and protect the legitimate rights and interests of property owners and property management companies, the NDRC and the Ministry of Construction jointly issued Measures for the Management of Charges for Property Services, which came into force on January 1, 2004. “Measures” to solve the current non-standard property management services, fees and services do not match the composition of the property service costs unreasonable problem, reduce the owners and property management companies?