
来源 :朝鲜·韩国历史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kittyleung1979
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在元朝时期,中国与高丽的关系,不是停留在传统的册封朝贡关系,而是直接的控制和干涉关系。在丽元百年特殊关系中,忠穆王代处于中期。中期丽元关系的特征,在政治上表现为王位更替频繁,国内政局不稳。学界对初期丽元关系的研究相对多些,而对中期,特别是忠穆王代研究很少,有研究的必要。忠穆王在民生困顿、国用匮乏之时即位,高丽国内需要整治。高丽整治活动受到元顺帝的积极支持,但因整治对象是亲元势力,主要是元奇皇后在高丽势力,导致整治草草收场。虽然整治失败了,但对后世有一定的影响,尤其是参与整治的下级官吏,成为恭愍王代反元改革政治极为重要的人才基础。 During the Yuan Dynasty, the relationship between China and Korea did not stop at the traditional tributary of tributary relations, but directly controlled and interfered with the relations. In the 100-year special relationship of the Reagan, Zhongmu Kingdoms are in the mid-term. In the mid-term, the characteristics of the relationship between the yuan and the yuan are politically manifested in the frequent replacement of the throne and the instability of the domestic political situation. The academic circles have relatively more studies on the relationship between the early Reign and Li, while there is very little research on the middle and especially on the Loyal Mu generation. Zhong Muwang in people’s livelihood hardship, the national ascended the throne, Korea domestic need remediation. The rejuvenation activities of Korea were actively supported by Yuan Shundi, but the remediation targets were the pro-Yuan forces, mainly the Queen Wonchi’s forces in Korea, which led to the ending of remediation. Although the remediation failed, it had a certain impact on future generations, especially the lower-ranking officials who participated in the remediation. They became the most important talent base for the anti-Yuan reform politics in the kingdoms.
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