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1984年12月19日,中国和英国正式签署了《中华人民共和国政府和大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国政府关于香港问题的联合声明》及其三个附件:《中华人民共和国政府对香港的基本方针政策的具体说明》,《关于中英联合联络小组》和《关于土地契约》(以下简称中英联合声明).至此,中英两国之间历史遗留问题圆满地得到了解决.1985年1月1日香港《中报》以“八四年终决定港命运,中英齐签约带来光明”为题,认为中英联合声明的签署,使困扰了香港人达二年之久的香港前途问题终于告一段落,协议给香港市民有尘埃落定的感觉,驱散了对前途的阴影,香港人再次振奋起来,为香港将来的成功继续努力.“香港”民意审核处“和四个民间团体以及香港电台各自调查所得结果表明”好“和”非常好“占了对联合声明评价的90%以上.国际舆论认为,这个协议为其他国家树立了一个成功解决困难的国际问题的榜样,中国提出的”一国两制“构想,”为香港的特殊历史环境提供了富有想象力的答案.“这一构想树立了一个榜样,说明看来无法解决的问题如何才能解决以及应该如何解决”.在联合声明生效后的4年多时间中,中英两国政府按照协议的精神,为保证香港过渡时 On December 19, 1984, China and Britain officially signed the “Joint Statement by the Government of the People’s Republic of China and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on Hong Kong” and its three annexes: “The Basic Principles and Policies of the People’s Republic of China on Hong Kong The Joint Liaison Group on Sino-British Relations and the Land Deeds (hereinafter referred to as the Sino-British Joint Declaration) so far the issue of the historical issues between China and the United Kingdom has been satisfactorily resolved. January 1, 1985 Hong Kong In the title of ”the end of the year 1984 will determine the fate of Hong Kong and the signing of the agreement between Britain and Britain will bring about light,“ the ”China Daily“ thinks that the signing of the Sino-British Joint Declaration has finally brought the question of the future of Hong Kong that has troubled Hong Kong people for two years The passage of time and the agreement have given the people of Hong Kong the feeling that the dust has settled. This has shattered the shadow of the future. Hong Kong people are once again excited to continue their efforts for the future success of Hong Kong. ”Hong Kong, the Department of Public Opinion and four civil society groups and The results of RTHK’s investigations show that “good” and “very good” account for more than 90% of the joint statement’s assessment. According to international media, this agreement sets a goal for other countries An example of a solution to difficult international issues, China’s concept of “one country, two systems” offers “an imaginative answer to Hong Kong’s special historical environment. ” This concept sets an example for what appears to be inconclusive How the problem can be solved and how it should be solved. "In the more than four years after the Joint Declaration came into force, the Chinese and British Governments, in accordance with the spirit of the agreement, in order to ensure Hong Kong’s transition
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