
来源 :音乐艺术(上海音乐学院学报) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ableper
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《字林西报》是一份在近代上海颇具代表性和影响力的外文报纸。“孤岛”时期,《字林西报》因其受租界的保护,在舆论受控的时期仍可较为自由地发表言论。这为我们了解那段特殊战争时期的社会文化提供了重要的资料来源。这一特殊时期,该报尤其大量报道了以“为难民筹款”“援助慈善机构”为主题的慈善音乐活动。慈善文化的核心是救济社会弱者,慈善活动的开展对于缓和社会矛盾,为城市社会公共性的形成和发展具有重要意义。“孤岛”时期,受日军摧残的城市和民众痛苦不堪,上海的诸多慈善机构或社会组织如“上海国际红十字会”“中国紧急救援协会”“中国妇女联合会”等联合“工部局乐队”“上海合唱团”等音乐团体及众多上海本地音乐家举办慈善音乐会,以筹集更多的资金用于需要帮助的群体。《字林西报》对此类音乐活动积极报道,体现出了外文报纸在中国抗战,这一困难时期的立场。慈善团体以及各音乐机构的这种以救济弱者为目的的善举,也体现出了上海社会的公共性,以及居民的高度社会意识。 “Zi Lin West Newspaper” is a representative of the modern Shanghai and foreign newspapers. During the period of “isolated island”, “Zi Lin” reported that because of its protection by the concession, it was still free to make speeches during the controlled period of public opinion. This provided an important source of information for our understanding of the social culture during that special war. In this special period, in particular, the newspaper covered a large number of charity music events with the theme of “raising funds for refugees” and “helping charities.” The core of charity culture is the relief of the weak, and the carrying out of charity activities is of great significance for alleviating social conflicts and for the formation and development of urban social publicity. During the “isolated island” period, many charities and social organizations in Shanghai, such as the “Shanghai International Red Cross Society”, “China Emergency Association”, “China Women’s Federation ”Such as the joint“ ”“ band ”“ Shanghai choir ”and other music groups and many local Shanghai musicians to hold charity concerts, in order to raise more funds for groups in need of help. The “Linlin Western Newspaper” actively reported on such music activities, reflecting the position of foreign newspapers in this difficult period of China’s war of resistance against Japan. Charities and charity organizations and such charities aiming at helping the weaker are also demonstrating the public nature of Shanghai’s society and the high degree of social awareness of residents.
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