香港汪惠迪先生在新加坡的《联合早报》上发表一篇文章,题目叫《中乐、华乐、民乐、国乐》,文章中说:“大陆的民族乐团可以叫民乐团,同样的乐团,台湾叫国乐团,香港叫中乐团,新马叫华乐团。同是华人,使用同一乐器,演奏同一乐曲,却因地域不同而分别奏出了中乐、华乐、民乐和国乐,而这四种‘乐’是在‘中华民国’四个字中各取所需,构成一组跨地区(港澳台)、跨国界(新马)的同义词。这是一种非常有趣并值得研究的语用现象。” 为了强调是中华民族特有的东西,常常加上的限制性修饰语,除了“中、华、民、国”之外,还有“汉、唐”等。例如:中——中乐、中文、中装、中医、中药、中餐、中资企业。华——华乐、华文、华语、华侨、华裔、华人。民——民乐、民歌、民谣、民居、民风、民办、民营。国——国乐、国语、国学、国术、国歌、国格、国货。汉——汉语、汉字、汉学、汉字文化圈。唐——唐装、唐城、唐人街。同其相对的是“洋、海、番”等。
Mr. Wang Huidi of Hong Kong published an article titled “Chinese Music, Chinese Music, Folk Music and Chinese Music” in Singapore's “Lianhe Zaobao,” which said: “Mainland Chinese orchestra can be called a folk orchestra, the same orchestra, Taiwan Called the Chinese Orchestra, Hong Kong called the Chinese Orchestra, the new horse called the Chinese orchestra. The same Chinese, using the same instrument, playing the same piece of music, but because of the different regions were played in the music, Chinese music, folk music and national music, and these four ' Le ”is one of the four words in the Republic of China, which makes it a synonym for cross-regional (Hong Kong, Maucao, Macau) and transnational (Singapore) .This is a very interesting and worthwhile study of pragmatics. “In order to emphasize that something unique to the Chinese nation, the restrictive modifiers often added to it include” Han, Tang “and so on, in addition to” China, China, the People and the State. “ For example: Chinese - Chinese music, Chinese, Chinese, Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine, Chinese food, Chinese-funded enterprises. Hua - Chinese music, Chinese, Mandarin, overseas Chinese, Chinese, Chinese. People - folk music, folk songs, folk songs, houses, folk customs, private, private. National - national music, Mandarin, national studies, martial arts, national anthem, nationality, domestic products. Han - Chinese, Chinese characters, Sinology, Chinese cultural circle. Tang - Tangzhuang, Tangcheng, Chinatown. The opposite is ”ocean, sea, Fan" and so on.